Unlock your potential with Te Kōrau
Te Kōrau will help you develop and fine-tune your ideas, critically examine every part of your idea and determine the next steps, as well as integrate real feedback from potential customers, mentors, experts and the community.

Topics covered with Te Kōrau:
Wāhanga 1 (Module 1)
Knowing each other and yourself
Whākapapa, pēpeha, building your confidence, working styles, team building, obstacles
Wāhanga 2 (Module 2)
Kia mātau ki āu apataki Knowing your customer
Customer, Problem, Alternatives, Idea Testing
Wāhanga 3 (Module 3)
Kimihia te ara tika Finding the right solution
Solution, Benefit, Advantage, Starting Small, Brand Identity
Wāhanga 4 (Module 4)
Kia tika te whakahoahoa Getting the relationship right
Marketing & Message, Getting Keeping & Growing Customers, Manaakitanga
Wāhanga 5 (Module 5)
Ngā tūāpapa Building blocks
Distribution, Revenue, Typical Offering, Price
Wāhanga 6 (Module 6)
Ngā whakatakotoranga me ngā pūnaha tika Structures and systems
Legal & Accounting Considerations, Kaitiakitanga
Wāhanga 7 (Module 7)
Tūhuratia te iho matua Discovering the bottom line
Start-up & Ongoing Needs, Fixed & Variable Costs, Break-Even Point
Wāhanga 8 (Module 8)
Ngā mahere ahumoni Financial modelling
Break-Even Point, Sales Projections, Cash Flow, Raising Capital
Wāhanga 9 (Module 9)
Rautaki Whakatupu Planning for Growth
Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Growth Plans, Goal Setting, Celebration Prep
Wāhanga 10 (Module 10)
Whakanuia! Celebration!

Our approach
Based on the CO.STARTERS programme - an internationally successful model for validating ideas and building a sustainable business - Te Kōrau weaves in Māori worldviews and narratives to help Māori entrepreneurs navigate their business in Te Ao hurihuri (worldwide).
It places business success within Te Ao Māori, recognising that our tikanga and environment mean we operate and prioritise different values and protocols in enterprise. He aha te mea nui o te ao, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. (What is important in the world, it is people, it is people, it is people.)
We know that your business will not only benefit you, but your wider whānau/hapu as a whole. Our goal is to equip and whakamana our people with the skills to lift both them and their wider whānau up by pursuing tino rangatiratanga and self-sufficiency to establish profitable businesses.